Today, myself and fellow forum member
bobm travelled down to Plymouth to pick up the 1255 up Pullman to Reading. 2012 was a barren year for me and Pullmans. Various plans throughout last year never came to fruition so I was really looking forward to this trip which was suggested by bobm before Christmas.
Sadly because of rolling stock issues the 1255 didn't have a full kitchen so we were only able to partake of starters and desserts. bobm and I made up for the lack of a main course with alcohol!

We each had two starters followed by cheese and biscuits. The food, as ever, was top notch, as was the service. A bonus was being given menus and window stickers for keeps, as the menu is changing from next week. I now have in my possession a menu folder containing the last three menu rotations as well as the rather natty window sticker. All added to my growing collection of
FGW▸ ephemera. Who knows, one day it might be worth a bob or two!
Looks like I will have to arrange another trip to get my fillet steak!
Here are some photos of the scran that was polished off today. Oh and a random picture from the train on the way down:
XC▸ High Speed Train (
HST▸ ) entering Kennaway Tunnel, Dawlish

My first, and bobm's second starter. Orange Soused Cornish Mackerel Fillets

bobm's first starter. Baked Cornish Brie

My second starter. Ham Hock Terrine

With Cheese and Biscuits to follow for both of us

Apologies for the out of focus pic and poor presentation. The G&T, wine and brandy was kicking in and I forgot to grab a pic before tucking in.
Finally, the two of us after being fed and (liberally) 'watered'. I have the menu and window sticker in my possession.

Only slight downer, aside from the lack of a main course, was an obnoxious solo diner who had had far too much to drink (or perhaps the same as us but less able to handle it). A bit loud and at one point singing 'Happy Birthday' for no apparent reason. The Chief Steward was excellent in dealing with him and hastily dispatched him back to Standard Class once he'd settled his bill.
All in all and enjoyable way to spend a few hours in the company of a fellow forum member and FGW. Seriously considering heading to Newton Abbot tomorrow to pick up the same service as far as Westbury. Time enough to tuck in to the fillet steak I missed out on today.....
Finally, my mother has just seen the pictures and has told me off for wearing a hat at the dinner table. Sorry Mum, but that's me. I feel naked in public without a hat of some description.

Edit: VickiS - Clarifying Acronym