On the up line on the approach to Dainton tunnel between Totnes and Newton Abbot there is a signal UM198. The distant for this, UM198R
I didn't think repeaters were technically distants.
UM would tend to indicate these are auto signals, how many aspects do they have?
Repeaters are an anomaly in multi aspect areas. Take all the banner repeaters out of Padd on the Down main. They can only show if the signal is showing a proceed aspect. Thus if the previous signal is a Double Y then although the repeater for teh next siganl is off you have to assumme the signal is showing Y and still continue showing down. Whereas it could be green. On an
HST▸ or Heathrow express you're locked down by
ATP▸ so there is no problem but on a Turbo.
So if the main signal is three aspect and the repeater is showing yellow you have to assumme that the main signal is at red. With a two aspect main signal there is no problem it acts like a distant, yellow main signal red, green main siganl green.
However if the drivers don't complain then they probably wont spend the money to do it.

Surely they can't reduce ease of sighting a signal without it being spotted by a risk assessment? Surely the paperwork required to (permanently) change a signals position would just be too much? Surely the temporary solution is accompanied by a speed restruction or something to compensate for the difficulty in sighting? Surely there is a more robust procedure than relying on drivers to report sighty problems?
Unfortunately it's one of the problems caused by the separation of track and train. In my day at Waterloo (early 60s) if there was any hint of dodgy signal sighting the local
ASLEF» rep would be knocking on my govenor's door demanding a sighting committee. Especialy after a