Well thanks all -through no ones fault but my own I ended up at ludlow station at 12:50 but not home until 14:30

I did not expect to get the 0945 so I had fixated on 14:19 being my arrival time. After a rather horrendous flight (I felt for the coach passengers) where we dropped/rose few hundred feet at a time for about half the journey so no sleep despite the flat bed (even alcohol didnt help and all I ended up with was a killer headache!) I arrived at heathrow. Breezed through passport control - was very glad I was an
EU» passport holder since the non EU line was half way through the terminal (note to self, when I bring my friend over early next year I will make sure she gets the first NYC over so she's one of the first to land in T3) anmd ended up t heathrow central at 0900.
Got to
PAD» at 0935 - Cardiff train was leaving from platform 1 so did not bother to stop at machines - yeah I know I know, I should have willfully missed the 0945 to ensure I bought a ticket and got the 1045 but I didnt, so there.
Got to Newport and the Holyhead train was five late so I made that three minute cross platform connection - and here is where I had the brain malfunction. At no point, despite the number of times I did it over the summer, did my brain engage and work out that if you are getting on the train at NWP at 1130 there is no way its going to take 2.5 hours to get to ludlow. So I phoned home and said instead of 1419 I would be in at 1349 - and had an eiphany at
HFD» when I came around and realise I would actually be there at 1249. Of course, him indoors had decided to go out on his bike so there was no way to raise him.
At least I had a good book to read at ludlow station.