What appeared on Network Rail's website and is still on
ATW▸ 's was a brochure outlining the broad plan and inviting opinions as part of a consultation process - a completely different kettle of fish from a formal
ORR» track access application document.
ERTMS▸ is in use on some main lines in Switzerland and Italy and has been for a couple of years. According to the local user group, the Cambrian switch-on is apparently expected in October. And lots of jobs the ATW 158s do are away from the Cambrian area and always will be, but since all the ATW 158s are based at Machynlleth depot, they are getting ERTMS fitted as standard.
Chiltern timetable 100 mph 168s on the Snow Hill route
Really? Well let me assure you I know what a 165 looks like and what I was riding on was a 2x3-car 165 formation to Wembley, with a Clubman on the way back.
Quite apart from any that naughtily get to Snow Hill, almost all the Stratford-upon-Avon service is 165-operated, so these are pottering along at 75mph south of Leamington and will continue to do so.
The ATW services would be running outside the Chiltern peak periods and will be a lot faster than the 75mph 165s and the slower freights that also operate on the route, so please drop this silly idea that they will in any way interfere with Chiltern. Perhaps Chiltern's 100mph trains are getting in the way of
XC▸ 's 125mph-capable trains between Banbury and Leamington? Maybe they should be banned from that route.
And where have you got this stuff about Chiltern and
W&S▸ from? Ie, just for once, instead of giving us your opinion, provide a credible source for your claims.
The only context in which Chiltern has ever discussed using loco-hauled stock was to provide extra peak-only capacity between Banbury and London and this idea has still got no further than the drawing board.
But you are now telling us that having launched a long-distance service, taking four hours end to end, with Mk3s and a full catering service, they are going to put on underfloor
DMUs▸ , with no catering facilities (and presumably firing most of their onboard staff)? A type of train which you claim is unsuitable for the sensitive souls of Worcester to sit in for just over two hours. Although when operated by the saintly Chiltern it's fine for journeys almost that long between London and Birmingham.
Sounds like a recipe for making Chiltern and W&S's names dirt in Shropshire, just like Virgin's, while giving Virgin's Wrexham through trains an instant boost and probably making people in Shropshire instantly more amenable to ATW's ideas.