I know some of the staff that are being made redundant, they don't earn as much in a month (including overtime) as you earn in two days. You are talking about the real world - they are in it, and do not have the luxury of being able to negotiate on an individual basis, because they don't have a lot to negotiate with, or the knowledge or ability to do so - when you are on minimum wage or pretty damn close to it, you are even more replaceable. They depend on the union to negotiate on their behalf. The only thing they have that gives them any ability to try and get a decent wage and working conditions is the right to withhold their labour if they feel they are being sold down the river. They don't get the offer of bonus's equal or greater than their annual salary to "incentivise" them to do a good job, just the threat of dismissal if they don't, and even if they do a good job (and I was always impressed at how clean the XC▸ trains were in Virgin days, and how active the cleaners were), they can still be screwed over anyway, as has just happened.
So if their efforts to keep their jobs, and their colleagues efforts to show solidarity with them causes you inconvenience, I'm deeply sorry that you are having to spend some of that ^560 a day on a taxi, but I'm saving my sympathy for the railway workers who don't earn that much in a fortnight.
You misunderstand - I would never get a taxi from the hol inn to tesco - id walk
I was just amused by the difference of a season ticket and a valid one off ticket when waling through a station
And yes, im lucky in what I do but I worked bloody hard to get there
How many people would swap the hours I do- leaving 0530 getting home 2230 or alternatively paying to live in temporary accomodation where you are working (which in thames valley is much more than an
FC‡ monthly season ticket unless you want to live in shitsville!). If I wasnt in debt due to an ex fiance and a dodgy accountant - I'd swap your job any day. I havent done it but I've been spending 5 hours a day on a train most days for five years - I am under no illusion what a
TM‡/guard has to put up with - I've seen it and can extrapolate to day in an day out.
With the pension, the holidays, sick pay etc etc - yeah - id swap tomorrow and id happily work sundays.