An interesting point that if the wires ever to get to Bristol would Bristol Exeter be wired before the B&H▸ ? If it were BR▸ I would say yes firstly because Birmingham Bristol would follow before B&H and secondly with loco hauled trains BR would have no hesisitation in changing locos first at Bristol and then Exeter and hopefully Plymouth. Now I know DaFT» has specified the hybrid IEP▸ but nobody thinks it will work well, so we are left with the all electric and diesel versions so I can see electric IEPs to Bristol and diesel ones to the South West via the B&H. Scotland to the South West trians would be diesel IEPs even if Bristol Exeter was wired as the hybrid IEP would have problems with Dainton.
Therefore maximum route miles electrified and loco hauled trains to those branches not worth electrifying to give through services.
Don't forget if WW2 hadn't happened the GWR▸ was planning electrification West I think Taunton but definitely Plymouth.
With their increased services both Falmouth and St ives lines justify electrification. After all the Sothern electrified many lines with just a basic 1/2 hourly service.
It's pretty clear from what I've read that the
XC▸ route to Plymouth would be wired first, presumably because of the enormous operating benefits it would have for the wider network, by linking up existing bits of electrification an helping make sense of an
MML» scheme, plus getting rid of lots of diesel running under wires north of Birmingham and Doncaster. Once the XC project has sorted out wires west of Taunton, then doing the Berks and Hants to connect that bit with a Reading area electrified under a Bristol/Oxford/Cardiff scheme becomes a far better financial proposition than it would be the other way round
As for the blooming hybrid IEP, Roger Ford of Modern Railways (a rail traction engineer by training) went away and did lots of sums after the initial
PR▸ offensive by Hitachi and concluded that it still wouldn't perform on diesel only as well as an
HST▸ , whatever they said. And how can anyone take seriously a train with just five coaches which is also lugging around one electric and one diesel power car?
The Network Rail electrification document explicitly mentions locomotive haulage west of Plymouth.
And Rail says in its latest issue that a Government announcement on wiring plans is likely in September.