Found out Newport Station had recently been nominated for the Carbuncle Cup 2011, an award for the worst new British building of the year
Here is the citaiton explaining why:
Architect: Grimshaw + Atkins
^It is possibly not the ^ugliest^ building of the year - but it is surely the building with the widest gap between ambitious original aspiration and leaden banality in what was constructed, It has the potential to remain as an eyesore for a lengthy period - railway stations don^t tend to get redeveloped every 30 years!
This was announced as an ^iconic^, world-class, gateway to the City of Newport and a catalyst for regeneration.
What has been delivered falls short at a functional level, makes the station harder to use for most ambulant travellers, and makes absolutely no impression on the arriving visitor.
The suppposedly ^iconic^ form of the building can only be appreciated by seagulls of those foolhardy enough to climb the clock tower of Newport Civic Centre.
It is telling that Network Rail^s own promotional posters for this ^22million investment show a nighttime view from the air.
Any close up view leads to a recoiling from the poverty of the detailing and the clunkiness of the way the building intereacts with its surroundings, with the curved forms not relating to any adjacent landscaping or structures.
The two service buildings constructed alongside the main concourse are pedestrian and appear to be too small for the functions crammed into them. ^
Rab Lang
Full artilce here: