Well I can now give a "survivors" account of swine flu - maybe Jo can compare her story:
8am Sore throat, feeling a bit low but in hotel in slough may as well go into work - didnt even think of swine flu or I would not have considered it
10am - staff around me suggesting I needed to go home - still okayish but feeling worse
11:30am - shivering and its 33 outside
11:34am - tell client - I think I need to take up the offer of going home
noon - someone else tels me to go home - I point out the next train is 1337 so I may as well stay until then
13:15 - leave office - now shivering and unwell
13:37 - 16:XX - worst journey of my life - I know the turbo was a green house but I was going between freezing and boiling - at one point I poured a bottle of water over my head
During journey phoned docs - swineflu diagnosed.
Started on tamiflu - luckily (maybe) Mr Fallen gets to tamiflu before he comes into contact with me (because I was away the night before) so he may avoid it.
18:00 - temperature 102
Little memory of the rest of the night other than shivering, sweating, unable to eat, and sleeping
Sleeping, shivering, swetaing, temp ranging 100-103 at varying intervals. Vague memories - all a blur - seem to remember Murray lost
Satuday :
Woke up awful
By luntime okayish
Now: very weak physically but alert and with it again. wont be running any marathons soon but I am now functional. doc says I can be released from house arrest on Wednesday - client wants me to stay away for the week - but at least I can work from home!
I will never ever ever ever again say I have the flu when all I have is a cold
I'm glad you're feeling a bit better.. I don't think I had it quite as bad as you.. But... Monday evening I went from being okayish (well my brain hadn't been working well all day at work which might be something to do with being ill) to being very cold or hot (as I said before the cold didn't make sense when it was so warm outside)..and having aching arms and legs and my eyeballs felt hot (strange, yes, I know!)...By bedtime I could hardly summon up the energy to move..
I didn't really sleep much monday night and when I did I had the most strange and vivid dreams and woke up exhausted..
Tuesday I spent the day adding extra layers because I was cold and then taking them off again because I was very hot. But by tuesday evening I was feeling slightly more normal (mainly thanks to nurofen tho)..
Since then I've just been exhausted and the aching arms and legs seem to have come back today. It's taken me all my energy today to do some household chores. I ended up having two days off work ill and then two days working from home as they didn't want me in the office. I'm hoping to go back Monday...
I have had no guidance at all from my doctors other than to phone the flu helpline when I first called them. And no follow up from anyone once the tamiflu was prescribed. So I'm assuming that once tamiflu is all gone, I can go back to work.. As long as I feel OK..