Here's a list, some realistic and achievable, some would be difficult and there is one very stupid suggestion... Grin
1) Not for me personally, but a Disabled Loo in First Class would be appreciated. If you are in a wheelchair or less able to move, the disabled toilet is in coach C now, Thats a fair walk if you're in G for example. Not to mention the fact that you won't get a wheelchair through the Buffet.
2) FGW▸ to buy and refurb MK2's for deployment where routes are overcrowded or lacking in DMU▸ 's (Partly achieved)
3) I know I will be shot for this... but... First Class seating on Pompey - Cardiff and Bristol T M - Weymouth routes (If they can provide it on Turbo's they should provide on a 158 or 150, but 153/14x would be pointless due to limited capacity)
4) More Vegetarian options in the Buffet for services without a Travelling Chef
5) Catering on Bristol T M - Weymouth
6) Toilets on DMU's to be checked for water levels and cleanliness more often
7) Reopen and publicise/market Bristol T M First Class Lounge
Cool Give Trout soul use of a HST▸ Wink Tongue Grin Cheesy
Here's a list, some realistic and achievable, some would be difficult and there is one very stupid suggestion...

1) Not for me personally, but a Disabled Loo in First Class would be appreciated. If you are in a wheelchair or less able to move, the disabled toilet is in coach C now, Thats a fair walk if you're in G for example. Not to mention the fact that you won't get a wheelchair through the Buffet. .. your correct there should be one not having one that is easy to get to from first class is poor in otherwords if your disabled you have to go standard or go without
2) FGW to buy and refurb MK2's for deployment where routes are overcrowded or lacking in DMU's (Partly achieved) and i think its fair to say it works! unfortunatly we will hear station linger time ... but i dont think this is a huge issue the main problem is that you need two locos per set or a loco and a dvt unless your going to a station where you can do a run around which isnt practical on shorter journeys
3) I know I will be shot for this... but... First Class seating on Pompey - Cardiff and Bristol T M - Weymouth routes (If they can provide it on Turbo's they should provide on a 158 or 150, but 153/14x would be pointless due to limited capacity).... all this would ultimatly do is reduce capacity and wouldnt return any real revinue increase only improve journeys for those with money
4) More Vegetarian options in the Buffet for services without a Travelling Chef .....wouldnt be cost effective to serve the minority, perhapse an alternating menu?
5) Catering on Bristol T M -..... Weymouth agree and on taunton cardiff! buffet on loco and trolly on dmu
6) Toilets on DMU's to be checked for water levels and cleanliness more often ...cleanliness as a whole on the fleet
7) Reopen and publicise/market Bristol T M First Class Lounge if its an empty room and it gets people out the car go for it

Give Trout soul use of a HST

..... umm there you go
(Devon County Council - website)-LIGHTS-2-COACHES-DUMMY-UNIT_W0QQitemZ180362867613QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_Trains_Railway_Models?hash=item29fe76f39d&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=72%3A1684" target="_blank">|66%3A2|65%3A12|39%3A1|240%3A1318|301%3A1|293%3A1|294%3A50

ok here goes