BUT given that it is supposedly almost impossible to skim a pin the way they could the old swipe details, it becomes a lot harder to prove that you did not disclose the pin number to someone. Effectively, if the PIN is used in fraud you have to prove you have never told anyone your PIN. Try it............ ok, it might not happen but I want to minmize my risks
You are missing the point -
YOU do not have to prove anything - THEY do !
From the
BBC» website, a pretty good summary.
"The law states that cardholders are not liable for fraudulent transactions as long as the original card is still in their possession.
Any bank or business turning down a refund request is on very shaky legal ground.
The problems arise when a card is stolen or lost and is then used fraudulently.
Under these circumstances according to the terms of the Consumer Credit Act and the Banking Code you are liable for damages up to a maximum of ^50.
However, an Apacs spokesperson said that banks often waive the ^50. "As I said, the banks are trying it on, they work on the principle that they are the mighty ABCD bank and you are merely insignificant Mr Mookiemoo. The LAW is on your side, if your bank won't play, take them to the Small Claims Court or complain to the Financial Ombudsman.
Card fraud, after falling when chip & pin was introduced is now rising fast - the banks, after saying that chip & pin would just about eliminate card fraud are now trying to say that this increase is due to everyone giving everyone else their PIN.
You mustn't let them "flannel" you - two years ago I paid over ^1000 to an airline which went bust. The credit card company initially told me that they were not responsible for a refund, in fact they actually told me that Mastercard WAS the Law !!!! - I not only got my money back - but I got
another ^1000 from them because that is the extra I had to pay
BA» for a similar quality seat !
I took Alliance & Leicester to Court and recovered over ^2000 for my son - again, they said they owed him nothing -
and, they had to pay my Court costs.
Finally, as you rightly say, minimize your risk - be ultra cautious where you use a debit card.