I would agree with northwesterntrains that Pacers do run on the third rail network in the Liverpool Area...
Pacers are used on the Liverpool Lime Street - Manchester Oxford Road workings... (I have relatives living up north
) A Pacer heading to Manchester will normally call at Liverpool South Parkway, However the 3rd rail network joins between Liverpool Lime Street and Liverpool South Parkway. The 3rd rail line continues
IIRC▸ to just after Hunts Cross, where the Merseyrail Services from Southport terminate and operate a return working to Southport...!
However, Pacers have to use the lines between Liverpool South Parkway and Hunts Cross to join onto the Hough Green > Warrington Central > Manchester Oxford Road line.
TPE▸ and
EMT» Services also use the same routes to Manchester and beyond
Indeed - and a quick look at google maps in satellite view will prove this. I was mid post as follows when I thought - check my facts.....
"i've used that route frequently recently and can I say this is a load of tosh - at south parkway and beyond - the misery rail lines are separate to the pacers/EMT/TPE line!
In fact they are opposite sides of the blinking station! And having done Liverpool to Manchester picc a few times - and misery rail is to the right of the normal trains"
HOWEVER, if you track from south parkway east, you can see the misery rail approaching from below and for a very short distance it merges with the main tracks out of south parkway - there appears to be no way for the pacers to avoid it other than to go around the back of some sort of big train yeard - which I doubt they do/
I have to admit, that after all the talk of pacers on here - the first time I saw one pull into LSP I did have to get on and ride it to lime street just to see what all the fuss is about. And let me assure you.................if I go out of my way to avoid
LM▸ 150s and turbos - you can bet your ass I wont set foot on a pacer for any meaningful journey.
And journey's of several hours? You'd have to knock me out a la Mr T before you'd get me doing that!