Other observations - the GWR▸ branding looks rather classy - is this going to be rolled out across the fleet I wonder, with "First" being dropped? However, the lack of anti-macassers on the seat backs looks to be a mistake, unless there is a commitment to regular cleaning of the seat back.
Too close to franchise renewal to use First branding only to take it off again in a year's time possibly. Anti-macassers are not needed, I was told, as their leather cleaner is superb! (we'll wait & see on this)
There appeared to be only two single seats in "tabled" formation, with all the others airline
Safety reason apparently - the space was too large to not have a facing single seat in there. Seat belts might have been necessary otherwise!
resulting in much smaller tables for laptops, newspapers, tea etc. I can see I am going to migrate from the single seat side to the tables of four.
Not sure that they're *that* much smaller? But yes, a tad smaller, I grant you. Plus the back of the seat in front across from the table, along with 50% of these not aligning properly with the window. But they'd have lost seats if they did - and defeat the object of this exercise (to produce additional seats overall)
The lighting is much dimmer, even with all strips lit, though that makes for a more relaxed feel. A nice touch that could have been added is seat lights, to give a real premium feel.
Ahhh, you missed the main thing here - that these are LED lights & a sensor automatically brightens/weakens the lighting power as the ambient light goes up & down. Put your hand over the sensor above the end door & watch....:-)
Finally, the plugs will have USB ports attached for chargers, though not on this carriage, and there are some tiny blue lights by the plugs that don't appear to have any use, but look cool.
Ok, you got the second set that I saw last week - the other set *does* have 2xUSB sockets as well as 2x3pi plug. They couldn't fit 4xplugs as the electric circuit wasn't replaced & it would overload it, if all used with 4xplugs. The USB sockets draw smaller current.
All in all - 8/10. A good effort, and one that I am sure will be appreciated by passengers.
Yes, that was my thinking too. I will add here once I have time (& my notes with me)