Just done a calculation of fares for the 21:29 Taunton - London Paddington train via Bristol (Super Off Peak Service) and the 06:17 Taunton - Bristol via Westbury (Peak Service)
How much would it cost to go on the 21:29 in First Class?
^175.00How much would it cost to go on the 21:29 in Standard Class?
How much would it cost to go on the 06:17 in First Class?
^175.00How much would it cost to go on the 06:17 in Standard Class?
So in the Peak, the differential increase between First and Standard Class is 55% not too far off the previous Fare + 50% Difference of
BR▸ Days.
In the Super Off Peak, the differential increase between First and Standard Class is

I'm actually shocked at that. Assuming we look at the logic of a First Super Off Peak Single vs. Standard Super Off Peak Single + 55% you should pay
^65.10 to use First Class. NOT the ^175.00 fare that currently would be sold...!
Now how many of you would pay ^175.00 to sit in this carriage on the 21:29 Taunton - London Paddington Train with
seldom done ticket checks no ticket checks between Taunton and Bath Spa, Get gatecrashed with drunken idiots from Bristol and beyond (Likely Weston on a bad day) who don't know when to stop drinking and have the first world problem of having to go to the buffet to get your refreshments?

How many would pay ^65.10 to sit in the same carriage on 21:29?
My answers are no and yes retrospectively...

Prices are PUBLIC Fares (no railcard discounts etc)