I have noticed several anomalies with some of the First Class Coaches. For example 2 Coach G's in the consist. Have fun explaining to someone that Fraud Coach G (which is meant to be Coach H) is infact not the quiet carriage is always great fun!
There was a set running around that had a Coach H the wrong way round for a while, usually able to tell if there is a Toilet behind the power car - usually this is an empty store room.
Another set with 2 Coach H's in it of which one had a broken toilet... Leaving just 1 Toilet in First Class, great fun!
I think the removal of First Advances will become necessary and it's not something I'm too happy about either. Reduction of the First Class is a ridiculous idea too in my opinion. Several trains I've caught into London both on and off peak have been comfortably loaded and I've always needed to share the table by Reading.
The Mayflower and The Cornishman Services down to Plymouth and beyond are also well loaded in First Class - Quite a number using
FSR▸ Tickets (First Off-Peak Return) I certainly use FCR (First Off Peak Day Return) tickets on both of these services. I'd be pretty unnerved if I had to kick someone out of the priority seats...
I too think a trial should've been done. But why can't
FGW▸ use the approach that Virgin SuperVoyagers use? Have an interchangeable First/Standard Class Carriage. Then classify as appropriate depending on the requirements of the Journey. I can think of a few occasions where I have been asked by a Train Manager to move to Coach F (Full Buffet) so that he can declassify First Class G & H and I think this is an acceptable procedure. Passengers got seats where otherwise they would have to stand. I still got the First Class seating in Coach F. It was a win win situation all round.
Of course we all know that come when these changes are made permanent that FGW will be the villains when it is
DfT» paying for the removal...