A few of the night owls may have noticed that this topic was temporarily locked during the night, while under 'moderator review'. I am just about to re-open it after posting this note, but reserve the right to relock if need be.
There are times when posts / descriptions of situations quite take my breath away. The description of what has happened to someone that I can only imagine (and then only imaging very poorly, without any similar experiences) - and that's the case with the member who was at Hillsborough. We wish that these things never happened and there was nothing there to talk about and describe afterwards, but as they have happened they should be talked about, and we are happy - where there is even a seed of relevance (and there's much much more than that here!) for them to be hosted on this forum.
Yet having welcomed such posts, the emotions all around are raised too and there is, pehaps, a temptattion for some people to look to make political capital out of the situation,
and on occasions to do so without thought for the feelings of the person who was in the situation. One of the things that new members agree to when they sign up is to keep away from the 'personal' level (I am paraphrasing there) and just occasionally - as here - we need to gently remind people of that.
I am also reminded how different in structure we are to commercial organisations:
none of them give a damn about the people or their customers
its money money money
we are irelevant to them
The Coffee Shop is not a company, and that comment (which was not in any way aimed at us) helps to show just how
different to that stereotype we are here. The Coffee Shop is here for its members - number have crept up on what started as a 'protest' board even though
FGW▸ - with a couple of exceptions - have put much right. With that customer service approach, members are relevant, the moderator team does give a damn ...
and we thank all our members (now and in the future) for helping us maintain the toughly discussed but friendly approach