Rivalry between different parts of the railway has existed since the Grand Trunk first connected with the Liverpool and Manchester. I remember going round the Sheffield area in the 60 s and there it wasn't even
LMS▸ and
LNER» it was still Midland and
GC» .
The Southern Railway/Region was and still is SW, Brighton/Central, and SE.
But if push came to shove rivalry was put aside and it was
BR▸ against the world.
Such childish behaviour seems to me to be another excellent way of convincing their customers that the railways must be renationalised.
Meanwhile the poor guards having to implement this policy of blame on the frontline find that whatever they say, most passengers don't believe them. If they ever admitted when it is their company's fault they might have a little credibility, but of course all delays are caused by one of the following:
1) Something outside the railways control (eg passengers, trespassers, a bit of weather)
2) Network Rail
3) Another train company
4) "Operational difficulties"
Of course (4) is never
FGW▸ 's fault, unlike other train companies they can't help it if one of their trains breaks down or there aren't enough crew.
Bemmy has hit the nail on the head, in BR days there were only two excuses.
You can see why
TOCs▸ try for one of the first 3 rather than put their hands up to No 4 especialy as they get compensation if it's someone elses fault. Agreed that going for one of the first 3 excuses is a Management problem but it's also a systemic problem due to the current structure of the railway.
The systemic problem is that the "Railway" as an entity no longer exists, it was broken up into 100s of parts some of whom should
co-operate TOCs and Networkrail and some of whom were set up to
compete with each other, TOCS and open access operators.
The current system is set up to "Pass the Buck" the problem is there is no one place for it to stop unless it's the Minister of Transport.
Having met Mark Hopwood MD FGW he is not a buck passer he is as hard on his own staff as on non FGW organisations, if they cause delays. Equally he is quick to praise staff who go out of way to get things moving and on time.