It's a disappointing end to what should have been one of the most remarkable railway reopening projects of modern times.
I agree I've been watching teh progress of the WHR during the rebuild and in Novemebr did a tour from Waunfawr to Porthmadoc to see the extension. As far as I could see it was complete apart from a very short section of track by Porthmadoc station to link to Ffestiniog and either side of road crossing in Porthmadoc where the tramtype rail in the roadway had still to be joined to the normal rail on the reservered route.
It is going to be very interesting to see what the timetable is going to be when the whole route from Caernarfon to Ffestiniog is open whether there will actually be through trains (return journey in a day?) and in particular what the fare will be.
I can see that Mr & Mrs plus 2 are not going want to sit on a train for the time it will take for a through journey let alone try and do a return journey (if possible). I think most tourists joining at Porthmadoc will opt for a journey to Beddgellart rather than up the Ffestiniog. It's got the gorge, Beddgellart is more atractive than Ffestiniog particularly on a wet day and the journey is shorter and cheaper.
Will history repeat itself the Ffestinog railway was all but bankrupted when it took over the WHR in the 30s?
But I agree it's a splendid achievement I just hope the economics is right. Now if we could just reopen Bourne End to High Wycombe!