It looks as if, not untypically, the Mail has a rather more hysterical take on this issue than many other papers. At least this time they haven't blamed it on immigrants, minorities or young people, who seem to be responsible for most bad things in Daily Mail Land.
I'm setting myself up to be shot down for snobbery here, but what I consider to be "higher quality" papers like the Independent and the G**rd**n also report on this issue in a slightly more cool-headed way:, Bowker is threatening to withdraw catering. He hasn't done it yet and I very much doubt that he would: I suspect it may be a shot across the bows of the government because he wants them to give
NXEC▸ more money. I don't think any long-distance train operator in their right mind would really countenance withdrawing all catering on-board, especially with competition on Anglo-Scottish from VWC who would no doubt immediately fire up their (superb!) publicity machine when they realized what a
PR▸ coup they were being handed.
I am in two minds about this issue though. Part of me thinks that
GNER▸ 's bid failed so it was idiotic of NX to bid for a higher premium over what remained of the franchise: having made their bed, maybe they should be forced to lie in it. However the other part of me does not want to see customers having to suffer because of NX's ineptitude and avarice when they tendered for the franchise. Part of the problem is that given the amounts of money that have recently been pissed up the wall to rescue bankers, the sums of money that are being tossed around in terms of railway franchises (which are huge) start to look like chicken feed.