Melksham station - picture forwarded to me / taken after the trains should have called (it's light!) but before midmorning (that's when I got it through).
Looks more like a case of
won't run the trains than
can't run the trains judging by this picture - I've seen a comment going around that the withdrawl of the Severn Beach services today was planned long before any snow fell, with folks wondering if it was seen as a good chance to do a bit of extra maintainance on the units during the day and allow the weather to take the blame.
Can anyone confirm with authority that the Severn Beach and TransWilts were indeed both blocked by snow to a level that it was impractical to clear them - (and thus clear the
TOC▸ of any thoughts the cynics might have of them using the weather as a convenient and incorrect excuse)?
There are a number of issues here, and its not as simple as being the amount of snow on the tracks:
1) The staff have to get to the depot or siding to start the train and bring it into service - they need to get to work long before most of us wake up so travelling in the night may have been difficult...and they need to get home again after getting the train back to a depot;
2) The train engine or air system may have frozen if its been parked outside all night;
3) The platforms have to be cleaned so the platforms are not slippery when people get on or off the train - in the old days a stationmaster did this - these days it is a man in a van if he can get through the weather!;
4) Similarly, Network Rail need signallers to turn up for work;
5) The track and points need to be cleaned of snow and ice so they're not frozen and signalling works okay.