Alternative transport should be provided if your missed connection is over an hour, if at the fault of FGW▸ .
I almost had trouble once because although my inbound train had been less than an hour late, the connection was not for another two hours. The first member of staff I spoke to said that he was not prepared to authorize a taxi as the first train was not an hour late, but the duty manager put him right in the end and I got there.
So, hypothetical situation:
1. I'm making a tight but "legal" 11-minute connection at, say, Bristol
TM▸ , minimum connection time 10 minutes.
2. My incoming train is 15 minutes late due to a "railway fault" (e.g. no traincrew, train failure, engineering overrun), thereby missing the connection.
3. The next connecting service leaves 61 minutes (or more!) later than the advertised time for my original connection.
As I understand what you've said, FGW policy is to provide alternative transport - have I got this correct?