I'm sorry btline, what are you rambling on about.
It works the same way as First Class. You get a better service (in this case faster) so you pay more. Simple economics really.
Here's an explanation:
Firstly, journey times for most are going UP. Furthermore, the station is further away from where people work (West End, or The City), so convenience is DOWN.
Meanwhile, people in Greater London are having their services AXED and are paying 8% more this year for the privilege!
If SE were keeping their express and semi fast trains, as well as a good service at smaller stations; people would have a choice on whether to pay for the Javelin, or stick to normal services.
However, SE are AXING semi fast trains, and some stations are having 60% CUTS in service. This is basically FORCING people onto the Javelins, hence FORCING people to pay 35%.
I have no problem with the idea of a high speed commuter link - but SE are going to cause misery to hundreds of thousands of commuters - the season ticket fares are high enough already.