Bikes should just be banned from trains! you got a bike? then ride the F*ckin thing! all they do is cause a safety hazard when they can't be bothered to walk down to the TGS to put them where they're supposed to go and then moan when you ask them to move!
I can understand your problem with bikes, but it's not the bikes that's the problem but the design of the train where brake van space has been sacrificed for seats and shorter untis.
Bike train bike is probaly one of the most environmentaly friendly ways of travelling any distance and as such ought to be encouraged. Bike provison can be made on both buses and trains. Go to Rugen and you have buses some with bike racks on the back and some with towed trailers. Plus the narrow gauge railway (steam) has a bike van on every train.
DB» IC▸ DVTs▸ have 30 bike spaces which can be reserved plus seating for the riders and a smashing view of the railway out of the cab.
Bikes (plus wheelchairs, prams and pushchairs) and trains should be complementary and form part of the public transport mix.
(if we presume that customers would travel regardless)
Bikes contribute to the railway ^0
Luggage contributes to the railway ^0
First Class customers and the prestige of having a First Class railway bring many ^
A no brainer.
(if we presume that customers would travel regardless) which is quite a big assumption the problem is with he "bean counters" who can only see the direct costs of adequate luggage bike etc, provision but not the enviromental benefits, and the "health and happiness" factors of travel by train.
I sure even you vacman would be happy with a proper space for bikes on trains. But first class luggage and bike space requires longer trains. Back to loco hauled.
There is a very interesting BTF film from the 50s of a rail/bike excursion from Euston to Rugby. Something like 200 riders and their bikes had a day out in the Waarwickshire countryside from Rugby station. Trouble is theren't many
BGs▸ lefts.