I would like to detail a nightmare journey a relative of mine endured on Sunday 9/11/08 from Plymouth to Paddington.She was waiting for the delayed 1810 Plymouth/Padd(diverted via Yeovil) which then showed as arriving 1821.At 1821 the PA▸ announced the imminent arrival of said train simultaneously followed on the screens by an amended arrival time of 1845.At 1835 the PA announced the train was 8 minutes late despite it already being 25 minutes late.Eventually it arrived at 1850.There was then a further delay in departure due to an ailing Voyager in front,the train eventually departed at 1900 for its nearly 5 hour journey to Paddington.The train arrived in Paddington just after midnight with many passengers onward travel effected including my relatives(Londons tube and buses were also disrupted).Eventually after a further hour wait at Paddington FGW▸ arranged a taxi to take my relative and her 3 year old son to Westminster.
She now says she will not use the train again and will use the coach in future and despite being a life long rail enthusiast I cant blame her.
Despite the recent improvements on FGW there are signs appearing in my neck of the woods that all is not as well as I thought on FGW.
By the sounds of it the arrangements at
PAD» could have been a bit better organised, and the
CIS▸ system as a whole is being looked at by FGW, even though it is still restricted by the info it receives by Network Rail. I can also confirm that a number of staff are looking at "Communication during disruption", so I rest assured I will pass your comments on to my colleagues who are doing this. FGW are working to try and improve things in these areas.
I am unable to check at present why the train was 50 late from Plymouth, but the single-line on the Yeovil line is just chaos as soon as trains start getting out of sync.
OK, FGW hat off, personal opinion on:
While a 50min delay is not nice on top of 5hr journey, the flailing Voyager, weather conditions, and need for diversion via Yeovil really does not fall at FGWs feet. I am actually quite impressed that the expected journey time of 5hrs was actually kept to there abouts!
However, I fail to see how any "life-long rail enthusiast" would ditch the railways at the blame of FGW, for a life-time of traffic/coach/M5 misery for what appears to be a 50minute delay and what could have been better organisation on arrival at London