There would presumably be different optimal layouts if all trains ran through, and if some trains terminated.
If optimised for through running would it be better to have up and down islands, with the down 'WRatH' and up 'Airtrack' crossing somewhere west of the station? Or would you dedicate the platforms by service pattern? I'd prefer the former, alternating departures towards Central London from either side of the same island must be easier than missing a train and having to cross to the other island for the next one.
I'm not sure how much leeway there is, given that
BA» /HAL are not going to allow any knocking holes in their basement except in the weak filler walls and floors. I remember how adamant they were about "no
DC▸ traction".
I've tried to make sense of the various reports, including
this one from The Londonist. The two consultation maps certainly should be reliable, as far as they go (i.e. up to the western end wall), and I'm beginning to suspect that the geometry shown by Trackmaps is also correct (which means that the map on the Londonist's video is wrong).
It all suggests to me that the two tunnel tracks (with a double crossover between them) line up with P2 & P3, and P1 & P4 are/will be reached off them - i.e. as you suggest, an up and a down platform. That seems to be set in concrete, literally, in the shape of the tunnels at both east and west end.
If the box runs between the outer walls of T5 main building and the short-term car park, that's about 260 metres maximum for the platforms, and I don't think that leaves any space for trackwork inside the box. That's certainly true with a maximum-stretch 11-car class 345 (247 m), and I suspect would also be true for something much shorter.
That means the only straightforward option is to stick with just P3/4, as drawn, and extend the terminating service (HEx, without a big change of ideas) to Reading. If 2 out of 4 tph terminate, as initially proposed, they just have to be fairly quick about it. So anyone who prefers central London to Paddington can either change at HXX or
PAD» , for similar journey times.
Airtrack was proposed as terminating, but with an option of some HEx trains going to Staines. That also fits with T5 as built, and some variations on that might also work - even including
WRAtH▸ - subject to looking at the details. Having trains coming in from the south via P1/2 and going to somewhere different, even in London, seems OK too.