Due for completion around April or May 2019. Lelant Saltings will receive a Parliamentary service after that with only 2 trains calling daily.
Surprisingly late for a May 2019 timetable change, I have (via TravelWatch) a copy of a service consultation for the ongoing services. Looking at the list of consultees, RichardB should have a copy too.
Background: When the Park and Ride at Lelant Saltings is replaced by the Park at Ride at St Erth, it is proposed to:
* Run a 30 minute service daytime St Erth to St Ives as at present, but with extra turn around time at St Erth
* Remove most calls at Lelant Saltings (just one train each way per day remaining)
* Retain morning and evening calls at Lelant, and add calls in both directions at around 12:30 and 15:30
* All services to call at Carbis Bay rather than alternate services
Comment is made about some local use made of Lelant Saltings, offering Lelant or the bus as alternatives. Perhaps this traffic which is within the catchment of both stations has gravitated to the Saltings because of the much better service and will revert to Lelant in the future? I am noting the extra calls at Lelant are lunchtime and school-end time.
I don't know whether
TWSW» will make any formal input, but I would be most interested to read any views from users - as I suspect would other consultees. Those more local to the area, such as the Devon and Cornwall
CRP▸ , are far more likely to have a tuned insight than I have ... but comments / thoughts welcomed.