if only there was another route.........................
It wouldn't be any quicker.
Maybe IF trains could still go the
LSWR▸ route from Exeter St D to Plymouth the Train journey might well be 10 minutes longer than the route via Newton Abbot, BUT I and 99.9% of passengers would prefer that extra 10 miutes than,
1, Getting off train with bags and luggage at Exeter,
2, Finding the coach and putting luggage on coach,
3, Bouncing around inside a Coach (with no Driver Safety devices) for about 1 hour,
4, Off loading from the Coach and finding luggage in bus hold,
5, Finding train in Plymouth,
6, Waiting for Depature Time at Plymouth (anything from 10-25 minutes).
That little lot is bad enough on a fine day but on a windy wet day!
Of Course 80% of Passengers Don't put themselves through all that, they DON'T Travel, well NOT by TRAIN!!!It takes about 5 1/2 hours by Rail from Penzance to London Padd, but when Buses are used the journey time is up around the 7 hour mark.
It's bad News when Lines shut for engineering work, yet
BR▸ used to use Single line working to keep trains running IN most cases.
Health & Safety is the Reason for MOST total line closure.
OK then: ANY H & S Reps like to explain WHY MORE DEATHS have occured SINCE Single line working at relaying sites has been outlawed.
Because H & S has produced a work area where it's presumed that the RISK has been removed.
Much better (for everyone) and SAFER on a worksite where engineers are Kept on the alert.
Of course H & S can't work around that it doesn't add up ON PAPER!