From the Bristol Evening Post:
Call to back campaign for new Bristol rail linesCampaigners are urging the public to back their battle to reopen rail links around Bristol. They launched a campaign yesterday to get members of the public to send postcards to the West of England Partnership, which represents the four local councils, Bristol, North Somerset, South Gloucestershire and Bath & North-East Somerset.
The Friends of Suburban Bristol Railways (
FOSBR▸ ), which successfully pushed for improvements to the Severn Beach line in 2006, wants to see Government investment into other railway lines around the city, including the reopening of the Portishead line to Bristol and the Henbury Loop.
Julie Boston, of FOSBR, told the Evening Post: "We are distributing 3,000 postcards so people can send them in before a deadline of November 21. We're calling on the partnership to put pressure on the South-West Regional Assembly and the Regional Development Agency to include the Portishead and Henbury Loop passenger-freight line in their transport spending bid. The assembly meets on November 27."
For full details, see