I'm minded of Lee's excellent work on future timetable options that would turn experiences such as my return trip into the norm and comment him for this work; it has my support as a vision for how things should go, but I don't think we'll get far with it if we demand it from this December!
I would agree with that , but I think that as an ABSOLUTE MINIMUM , we MUST get the service described below to start the ball rolling towards our ultimate objectives. It is perfectly possible that , if we dont make progress regarding extra December 2007 services , then we could start to lose potential train paths to freight.
[Part of
my complete update ... reposted here for comment]
3. At the
AGM▸ of the Melksham Rail Development Group (yesterday evening), Andrew Griffiths of First Great Western told that
FGW▸ have no extra resources to make available from this December, BUT they have worked up a draft timetable that would take out 3 duplicated trains south of Salisbury (the Southampton stoppers that would, if they remained, double up on the new
SWT▸ local service) and use those trains instead to run from Salisbury up to Swindon and back. I've not seen details, but I understand it looks excellent for the morning, and unravels a bit later in the day. Andrew confirmed crew shortages - that even if they hired another train, they would not have the drivers, who it takes a year to train. Andrew also confirmed that extra freight is using the line via Melksham, and that this could start to limit available paths for passenger trains
[[Aside - I applaud First in pushing this timetable forward, the
DfT» in their new and serious look, and the County for their actions and help too. All acknowledge this as being a step in the right direction rather than a final solution - perhaps that will come at December 2008?]]
I was addressing a conference of some 250 in Oxford yesterday ... and had a chance to socialise with them. Quite amazing to find out just hom many of them use (or used to use) trains via Didcot. They describe the change to go West as "the direction that doesn't work " .... some of them now work from home much more (FGW - you have lost money, customersd and goodwill there) and others use the Oxford to Swindon bus (more of a loss to First).
At "our end" we had endless debates (as did Jacobs) about whether a potential Bristol / Trans Wilts - Oxford & beyond service should call at Didcot. I have always believed that it should , mainly due to the connection opportunities that this would provide.