My point was to renegotiate if it gives a more acceptable service to passengers. If it's simply to line the coffers of the company that screwed up their bid then I agree it shouldn't happen.
I think we're on the same wavelength, then John ... but there is the need to most careful to ensure that changes are
more acceptable to passengers (and people who want to be passengers, but cannot be at the moment) rather than
less acceptable. I'm afraid that I don't trust the decision makers on either side to put the travelling public first in such decisions, based on things like experience of
SLC▸ changes that have been made since the franchise was awarded which have significantly worsened the provision ... and I see no consultation or truely independent and meaningful mechanisms in place that would police a renegotiation.
Super-tm. Thanks for your comments and there is much in what you say. I fully appreciate that proving more lossmaking services could, in some circumastances, lead to a bigger loss. But there are countercomments to some elements.
I can recall the stage where we moved up from 2 to 3 full time employees at our place - and what a huge step that was, and there were big extra investments needed. But now that we're a little larger, it's not such a meteoric change to upside and downsize, and courses (like trains) can be modestly increased in frequency and don't always have to be doubled once you have the extra volume. We're still pretty small;
FGW▸ run (what) around 750 carriages, so they have good granularity for change.
A town like Trowbridge, population around 28,000, is served by 5 trains an hour on average, and I would call that a good schedule (even though may of up have been denied boarding there because of insufficient capacity). But I think you're stretching it a bit to describe a service of 1 train every 2 hours - a tenth of that of Trowbridge - for a town three quarters of the size as "Good". That's what the former Melksham service was.
However - it was close to the best service that could be offered with the resources of a single train, and indeed I heartily commend the draft timetable (that, alas, is not happening from this December) of six round trips on the TransWilts as again being close to the best that can be done with a single train.
Sorry to appear to pick you up on this, but as written you could be suggesting that Trowbridge be cut back to a service every 3 hours to Bristol and every 3 hours to Portsmouth, and that you would consider that to be a good service There's no easy answer here and there will be shades of grey ... I just wish there was an effective traveller's voice and that the traveller had at least equal consideration at the negotiating table.