I've just posted an article on the
CANBER▸ website which suggests some improvements to bring Worcester into the 21st Century in terms of railway operations. As ever, I'd be interested to hear your feedback and own ideas on the subject.
The article can be found at
http://canber.co.uk/?q=node/37Interesting suggestions, there's certainly a lot there I strongly agree with.
Not sure you really need a double-track section between (the former) Rainbow Hill Jct and Shrub Hill, though. Very short stretch, so few headway problems I'd have thought. Proper double line between Henwick and Tunnel Jct should be reinstated, and a facing crossover east of Foregate St installed: that would provide a lot more flexibility but cost significantly less. Trains could then arrive into either platform at Foregate St from any direction and the only thing you wouldn't be able to do is depart from Platform 1 towards Tunnel Jct. In practice, trains to Malvern and beyond could almost always use Platform 1 and thus avoid the 15mph trailing crossover at Henwick.
Nor do I think Platform 2 at SH needs quite such radical surgery - aren't they finally restoring the former refreshment rooms (towards the London end) at last? Replace the carriage line with a north-facing bay, though. I don't see why it shouldn't be possible to connect this to the Malvern line as there used to be goods yard connections in roughly the same place until about 1968.
The existing facing crossover at Wylds lane could be upgraded with signalled moves into P2 or P3 provided.
I'm not personally convinced of the overwhelming need for bi-di between SH and Norton Jct, but if you want that then you probably don't even need those extra crossovers at Norton. Remember that the junction with the Birmingham & Gloucester line at Abbotswood is single-lead anyway. I can't see any huge justification for changing that, but you could take advantage of it and use it as the point where trains from Ashchurch could be switched onto either line.
Something you didn't mention, but I certainly think we need, is intermediate signals both ways at Malvern Link and between Newland and Henwick.
Don't get me wrong, incidentally - the fact I'm a fan of semaphores doesn't mean I agreed with the 1973 vandalisation [read "rationalisation"].

I thought at the time the two single lines through FS were ghastly, and I've never really changed my mind. Before then it was all double track with a proper junction at Rainbow Hill, plus the up line from Rainbow Hill to SH was bi-di for trains to Hereford from P2 at SH. Even that would be a lot better than what we have today.