Network Rail has slammed the Office of Rail Regulation for a 'flawed' analysis of projected spending over
CP4▸ (2009-2014) control period, and asked for a further ^1bn to make ends meet (links below.);jsessionid=5DE2C81298246FAA74C760C1CD0EA01FThe world's biggest airline by revenue, Air France-
KLM▸ , said on Monday it plans to move into high-speed passenger rail transport in a venture with French transport, waste and water firm Veolia (link below.) Railway has finally received the green light from the Financial Services Authority, after a year-long inquiry, to proceed with a ^1.8m ($3.2m) share offer to raise funds to extend its line to East Grinstead by 1.8 miles (link below.) for a high speed rail link between Scotland and the rest of the
UK▸ are to be considered by a public inquiry being held by the Scottish Parliament 9link below.) to create a direct rail link between Burnley and Manchester have moved a step closer (link below.) is set to embark on a major refurbishment of its 28 Class 273 trains, which date from 1992 and have been running services through the Channel Tunnel to France and Belgium since 1994 (link below.) Express East Anglia has launched its first cinema campaign, highlighting the company's London services (link below.) have been delayed on the London to Norwich line due to a telephone system failure (link below.) Transportation has received an order worth approximately ^66m from Danish State Railways for the delivery of 10 three-car Contessa trains, with options for 30 additional trains (link below.) opportunities offered by a rail freight terminal in Shropshire are being outlined to more than 100 firms (link below.)