Thanks for your comments, super tm!
However, if I may in turn comment on a couple of points, from a passenger perspective:
Yes, the full article in the Bristol Evening Post also covered the question of whether the lady was entitled to collect tickets that had been pre-paid by her employer. I am in a similar position, working for a company which contracts with a supplier in Warrington for my travel. They pay for my tickets, and send me a rail booking confirmation e-mail. I can then collect my tickets, from either
BTM▸ or Nailsea, using the machines - I just insert a card (one of my own, certainly not the one they use in Warrington to pay for the ticket!) for identification, and the ticket reference number.
The only problem is, it does take time to queue up, get to a machine, shove in a card, key in your number and wait for the machine to print out the myriad of tickets/seat allocations and receipts. That's probably why the lady didn't try to do that at BTM and risk missing her train to
PAD» ! I'm perhaps more fortunate in having a suitable machine at Nailsea & Backwell (when it's working!), so I can do this the day before I travel, for example - but there isn't one at Yatton. Hence the need for a manned ticket office there - and if it's not manned properly, exactly this problem will occur again!
And yes, the train manager did allow her to travel - but he couldn't insist on her buying another ticket on board, as his machine was broken, apparently? I also rather hope the barrier staff were more helpful than you describe, as the e-mail I am sent with my rail booking confirmation says, "Should you experience any problems collecting your tickets from a station FastTicket machine, please proceed to the station ticket office
where a member of staff will assist you."
I must say, I've always found the staff in
FGW▸ ticket offices to be very friendly and helpful.