How many business travellers are there on the Bristol line compared to the Cotswolds?
At the weekend? That's what we were talking about and that's when most of the recent Turbo stand-ins have been. Those Sunday afternoon trains from Hereford can get extremely busy, and fill up at Oxford, that's why they are booked for
HSTs▸ and have been for years.
A Turbo may be be an operationally convenient solution, but I return to my point about bad
PR▸ for the railway and
FGW▸ in particular. That set swap on the 05.51 from Moreton this morning will be remembered by the commuters for longer than all the on-time journeys they have had on that service recently. And the two-car working to Hereford I saw arrive at Oxford, and the other widely-reported one were nothing short of a disgrace - and a safety risk.
When we have been bombarded with FGW announcements about inter-city standard stock coming on to the route for the past couple of years, why shouldn't people get hacked off when a suburban
DMU▸ turns up?
Yes, a train is better than no train, but if the past couple of days' alterations are really down to the old chestnut of crewing issues, then it's about time someone got them sorted out - before the service collapses again in the run-up to Christmas.
Which route makes more money...
But they turn a very pretty penny on the Cotswold Line too - from inflated London and South East area peak day returns (because we're all loaded up here), plenty of first class annual seasons sold, not having First Minute fares available, etc.