Well, I'm rather optimistic about what the future holds for
FGW▸ , personally.
Firstly, I'm often impressed with the quality of their staff. Here on the forum, for example, we have several FGW staff members who are clearly very passionate about their company, the service they are trying to provide and the reasons why they are sometimes prevented from delivering it.
I've said before, I also rate Andrew Haines and his team very highly: they have already achieved improvements that the previous regime just couldn't seem to grasp.
That said, FGW are indeed a bit prone to dropping the occasional rather large brick. The difference now, however, is that they own up to it,
and put it right: increasing compensation for delays, honouring Exeter tickets, and running another Severn Beach day, for example.
From my own perspective, I'm fairly happy with my daily commute these days. Yes, it would be nice to have staff instead of machines at Nailsea & Backwell, but the trains are much more reliable (still crowded, but that's life!) and most of them have been refurbished to provide at least a reasonable travel experience.
However, what does make me cross is the political interference in what FGW can do: the
DfT» have a lot to answer for, in creating the problems which, I think, FGW have done quite well to (at least start to) resolve. I think that, provided the politicians and civil servants can be kept away from interfering in the detail, FGW are quite capable of continuing to improve their service for the remainder of the current franchise. And if they do, I'll be quite happy to see them win a 'second term', when the time comes.
Erm, that's all from me, for the moment: just a reminder, I'm not FGW staff, just a humble passenger!