Mr Harris will unveil a new ^3 million platform today at Bristol Parkway that will aim to bring extra train services through the station. But he confessed that there had been "major problems" with rail services because operator First Great Western had underestimated the number of carriages needed to meet demand.
This is just recycled rubbish.
Apart from tweaks to the existing timetable , NO extra services are planned through Bristol Parkway station. As for the capacity problem ,
FGW▸ are aiming to solve this through the
HST▸ reconfiguration agreed with the
DfT» .
In my view , a more realistic assessment can be found below :
It would certainly be interesting to see Trowbridge ticket sales figures over the past 12 months.
My mind wanders back to the links below , from the time that the December 2006 timetable started. interesting quote :
"Trowbridge town councillor Graham Hedley, who tried to board the train in the county town, said: "The vast majority of the people on the platform were left behind feeling very angry and very cold."
Cllr Hedley had his ticket refunded by staff at the station who had given up issuing new tickets because of the volume of people already waiting to board trains.
"May I suggest that this reduction in carriages and services will not only lead to overcrowding but will also, at first, lead to many people being left behind on a regular basis," he said.
"This will, fairly quickly, lead to a great many people leaving the rail transport system and getting back into their cars - an interesting green policy."
It could well be that Councillor Hedley was right , and this is exactly what has happened.
There are also some very interesting December 2006 quotes from Andrew Griffiths from the above links :
"We have had some full trains this morning."
"The capacity is there and we do need to persuade people to use high speed trains."
"We are very concerned that people have been left behind and understand that Oldfield Park station is one of the worst affected,"
"For the first few days of the new timetable we have been monitoring the problems that have arisen."
"However, we only have a finite number of trains for the morning services so it's a case of robbing Peter to pay Paul."
"I would like to assure passengers that we are looking into the problems and are trying to make sure that all services run as efficiently as possible."
"We have provided a bus service for Keynsham passengers travelling to Bristol but of course to do this at Oldfield Park would be more difficult,"
At the March 20 2007 West Wiltshire District Council meeting , Andrew Griffiths said that including peak - time Keynsham & Oldfield Park HST stops in the December 2007 timetable would solve the seat capacity problem for passengers further down the line.
This , I would suggest , is due to the following issue highlighted by Save The Train in December 2006 (link below.) quotes :
"The official rail watchdog, Passenger Focus, says the number of commuters taking trains west from Cardiff after 5pm appears to have fallen. Surveys are being undertaken to establish whether this is because of workers using up annual leave before the end of the year, or because commuters have switched from rail to road transport."
"For me this is one of the big concerns. Will all these problems simply drive customers away, then in a couple of months time FGW will turn round and say everything is coping and the trains are not as overcrowded as they were."
"We are hopeful that after May the minister will insist on a review of the services run in the west and will put the required amount of resources into the trains serving Freshford, Avoncliff, Trowbridge, Melksham and Bath, so we can get trains back."
"What worries me is that the DfT / FGW may be planning to let this continue until May 2007 in order to force passengers off the trains. They can then claim that usage has declined across the board."
Not sure if it's just me, but there seems a distinct lack of passengers at the moment. 0723 Warminster-Cardiff was very empty this morning, at a guess 30% before Bath and probably no more than 50% afterwards.
'Good grief an empty train' was one remark a passenger made when he got on at Bath. Formation was 1 x 150 and 1 X 158.
Also a couple of people doing monitoring at Filton, passenger focus?
The many cancellations due to "lack of servicible trains" during the late 2006 / early 2007 period are also likely to have taken their toll.
Also , I have received this from
Dear train user
This is an update bringing you the latest train campaign news.
First, please check out : The news pages have just been updated and now carry lots of information about our move to a national campaign.
THE LOCAL PICTURE is as you know that the train service from Bath to Bristol has improved to what for most people has become an 'acceptably bad' service. Basically it is slightly better than it was in December and January, and becuse of this, most people have become resigned to it, though once or twice every week there is usually a nasty shock to remind you that the service is being run on a shoestring with clapped out rolling stock. If you are commuting from Frome, or betwen Chippenham and Swindon, or get on at Oldfield Park or Keynsham you are reminded much more often that the service is atrocious.
FGW has stated that they will not buy any new trains during their franchise. This despite their parent company First being the richest of all the train providing companies as a result of buying bus and train companies from Spain to America, and running a virtual transport monopoly in much of the
UK▸ . FGW claim they will improve the timetable in December. We reserve judgement , but how will they run a better timetable with no more coaches, unless their trains become shorter once again?
That is why MTLS is still here.
Following the Fare Strike, FGW has established a very poor reputation which has stuck. The Guardian recently devoted a full page to the faults and failures of FGW and also publised our move to a national campaign.There has been further excellent publicity in other national and local media, continuing to put FGW under pressure.
The problem we suffer at the hands could be partly lessened if FGW wasn't such a poorly run and greedy company, but the governement bears repsonsibity too, and this is a national issue. People have contacted us suffering similar problems from Oxford, Brighton, Portsomouth, Cambridge, Essex and beyond. We are therefore launching NO WAY TO RUN A RAILWAY DAY in late September after the next planned fare rises with a number of coordinated Fare Strikes and other protests in key cities across the UK. This will generate huge publicity and put the department for transport under more pressure to remove failing rail comanies and to re- advertise franchises with a higher level of minimum of service, or to take failing franchises back into public ownership.
READ MORE ABOUT IT on our our website: YOU CAN DO NOW:
1) In the next few months it is crucial that we make contact with more potential campaigners in large cities especially in the midlands and North of England, who may be willing to help to organise their own fare strike on No Way to Run a Railway day. If you can find or know any useful regional contacts please email their details to us at Come to our monthly meetings upstairs at the Rummer pub, 6 Newmarket Row, Bath, first Tuesday of every month from 6:15 to 7:15. We need your input and help, especially with No Way to Run a Railway Day. Next meeting 5th June.
3) Please continue to write to your
MP▸ and tell them about FGW''s poor service.
4) We hope to be producing a leaflet shortly to give out to train passengers. We will need your help to distribute them
5) Log on to the forum on the website to exchange and share your ideas and experiences.
Best wishes, and may all your journeys be on time (Chance would be a fine thing)