Travelling home from Taunton yesterday, the passenger experience left much to be desired. I would normally expect to leave from platform 5 on the outer through track, with canopies, plenty of seating, a buffet, loos, available lift up to the platform. However, all through trains up from Exeter that headed on via Bristol or Reading were using middle platform 4.

Platform 4 has just a small though modern shelter at the top of the steps which (in the blustery rain) every one wanted to stay in. A few were lucky enough to be able to sIt down and it was packed - reminiscent of a rush hour train.

The lift up to platform 4 (and 3) was out of service and people were struggling with luggage and bicycles. No staff around to help - a dispatcher did appear shortly before the London train, but that was all. Contrast to Southampton, where if the central platform lifts are not in use, members of staff are there and very helpful.

The departure screen is outside on the platform, and the shelter has a number of opaque panel in it so that you can only see parts of it at certain angles. May be fine on a nice day for those people who can stand outside and look at it, but unless there is a good reason, what a design fail!

Cross Country train pulls in for Bristol - and that's the point at which you realise there is just a single opening from that shelter onto platform 4 - that everyone and his bicycle, suitcases, children and backpack want to get through onto a quite narrow platform as the train pulls in right beside it, and they all (well - 90%) want to move forward as only the rear first class coach is behind that doorway.

4 car Cross Country train to Bristol - full and standing. Even people in the luggage rack. Just one seat in our carriage not occupied by a human (occupied by baggage travelling with the lady in the seat next to it). As I'm not good standing on my pins these days, I enquired as to whether it was occupied and she very reluctantly and slowly moved the stuff and stepped aside - and a young early teen who was also standing grabbed the seat. I would suspect that woman-with-bags would be amused and thinking "serves you right" of me. Anyway - only one stop to Bristol and I found myself a convenient bulkhead in the luggage and cycle area with the other outcasts.