MetroWest - A world in which you can get to work or college quickly and easily, go shopping and visit friends or cinema and get back late - without having to use a car
Enjoy more frequent trains integrated with buses and comfortable protected walking and bicycling to and from the station
Preserve the countryside by focusing new homes on less land close to the Metro
Fund from increase land value. The improvements can be delivered quickly: all the elements are in place – they only need enhancing
Join us for an exciting event focused on improving rail systems to reduce congestion in the MetroWest Bath+Wiltshire area. Hear from experts, engage in discussions, and explore innovative solutions. Don't miss this opportunity to be part of the change!
27th March, 2pm - In person in Chippenham, or online via Zoom.
For more information please see here.
ConnectedCities Ltd
59 Lambeth Walk
Waterloo, SE11 6DX
T: 020 7993 4690
www.ConnectedCities.co.ukadmin@ConnectedCities.co.uk"Here" link in the quoted text is to
https://www.connectedcities.org/links/metrowest-event-0325A number of well know names, old friends, and experts there and I plan to go along. The Bath to Wiltshire interface is one that often falls between the stools of
WECA» and Wiltshire in planning terms, and with massively increased housing in Withshire but yet a lack of allocated employment space (at least here in Melksham) we may b set for a dramatic increase in commuting ...