The objective is to avoid Bath.
Bath is already "avoided" ! The closure of the Cleveland Bridge has already stopped heavy traffic from the A46 getting onto the A36 - as it used to do. This has moved traffic from the A46 to the A350. Bath has dumped its HGV problem onto West Wiltshire
The proposed route is the A350 as far as Warminster then the A36
You are just repeating what this useless Study is saying. The A350
and the A36 are barely capable of handling the existing traffic at the moment. To get it to the required capacity will take £ Billions and 25+ years !
It is not ideal I agree, but the existing route is the A46 from the M4 to Bath then the A36 from there. So there is no change in route from Warminster to the Dorset Coast.
The "existing route" is
not A46 to A36 even now, except in the simplistic minds of the "Study" who just seem to look at Google Maps. - unless the traffic goes over Bathampton Toll Bridge ! The proposed A350/A36 route is not "ideal" - it has just not been thought out. Even worse I don't think anyone has ever driven down that route.