Nothing about cancellation on TWSW» website. Will they email ticket holders? Many of whom may already have booked and paid for travel.
EventBrite still offering tickets.
And still mentioned (as a TBC admittedly) on the TWSW '.org' website!
Very poorly handled

Only notification was from Eventbrite with two words "Event Cancelled" - zilch, nader, nothing else.
I'm sorry, but cancellations need to happen
at least a week out, preferably two, and made very clear in the booking process not to book your travel before the two weeks prior as you may
lose your money if you buy in Advance!
So, I have to come for a jolly, as I booked during the
GWR▸ sale & have 1st class seats booked for a total of £74.20. I also have to get out of bed at 0530
on a Saturday - something I don't mind doing if its going to be rewarding enough....BUT.
Damned if I'm going to waste these!!
Now to find somewhere else to go between 1015 & 1700 from
TAU» .