Could the services not run London to Chippenham via Swindon and then terminate at Chiienham and then go back to London
then have a Paddington to Bath via Bristol Parkway and BTM▸ terminate at Bath and then make the return trip via BTM and Bristol Parkway?
No need for replacement services
The line was closed Chippenham - Swindon on Saturday and Sunday and also Bath - Chippenham on Sunday , with the only trains serving Chippenham being from Westbury (possibly a first!) on Sunday. Even there, a crew shortage on Saturday evening lead to the last round trip from Westbury to Chippenham being at 18:50 rather than 21:25 - so that looks like timetabled service reduced in the plan due to engineeringm then further reduced on the day because of s lack of crew.
Although all stations WERE served, rail replacement services still needed from Chippenham to Swindon - not realistic to expect anyone but a rail enthusiast to travel a long way round for such a short journey even if there're enough crews and trains.
When Bath - Chippenham closed, some logic in reversing hourly trains at Bradford Junction and with calls at Melksham and B-o-A (for changes) the local service could be replaced for the day. When Chippenham - Swindon closed, is there any logic in an hourly London - Swindon - Parkway - Temple Meads - Chippenham - Westbury - London route? I suspect not - just too far round. With Chippenham accessible only from Westbury, some sense I'm making that into an hourly shuttle and advising change at Trowbridge for London - Bristol service via the Berks and Hants. All of which comes down to "what price", "where do you get crew and trains from"?