« on: February 27, 2025, 14:21:06 » |
Just read on another forum that Bruvver Lynch has written to the membership within GWR▸ on this subject, over "proposed changes to ticket offices" amongst other issues.
Here we go again?
« Reply #1 on: February 27, 2025, 14:22:11 » |
Link please?
« Reply #2 on: February 27, 2025, 14:24:49 » |
« Reply #3 on: February 27, 2025, 14:27:35 » |
Our Ref: BR2/15/4 27 February 2024 CHANGES TO TICKET OFFICES – GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY A formal document has been received from Great Western Railway (GWR▸ ) management outlining the company’s approach to station operations. While some points align with previous decisions made by the Union’s National Executive Committee (NEC» ), several proposed changes require urgent attention After reviewing the company’s proposals and the report from your Lead Ofcer, the NEC has directed me to launch a recruitment campaign within GWR to strengthen industrial support. This action is necessary given the company’s failure to properly consult and negotiate with your Union. If you know a colleague who is not yet a member of the RMT▸ , please encourage them to join by clicking HERE, calling 020 7387 4771, or using our Freephone number 0800 376 3706 and asking to speak to our membership department. In addition, the NEC has instructed me to prepare a ballot matrix for all Station Grade members within GWR. The industrial ballot will be in response to: The proposed changes to Ticket Ofces The unilateral ‘watering down’ of safety-critical duties of dispatch staff Concerns regarding single stafng of gate line members. If your job title, address, or workplace has changed recently, it is essential that you update your details. You can do so by:
Personal opinion only. Writings not representative of any union, collective, management or employer. (Think that absolves me...........) 
« Reply #4 on: February 27, 2025, 14:33:40 » |
It concludes - Frustratingly, GWR▸ is using current legal loopholes under minimum service legislation to bypass public consultation. As a result, the NEC» has also instructed me to escalate our campaign by raising awareness among RMT▸ members, the public, disability rights groups, and other vulnerable campaigning groups about the detrimental impact of these changes. This effort will build on the Union’s powerful ‘Save Our Stations’ initiative. Additionally, the Union is considering a coordinated national campaign to challenge similar threats across the railway network. I trust this keeps you advised, and I will continue to keep members updated on this situation. Yours sincerely Michael Lynch General Secretary But no details as to what the changes GWR are making.
« Reply #5 on: February 27, 2025, 14:36:14 » |
Our Ref: BR2/15/4 27 February 2024 Micky seems a tad behind the times too.... 
« Reply #6 on: Today at 08:36:59 » |
Seen on another forum - from Bruvver Dempsey - not sure if it's connected to the dispute on the original post, there seem to be a lot of them about!  7th March 2025 Dear RMT▸ Member
As you may be aware RMT went into dispute with the company regarding Rest Day Work rates of pay, Sunday rates of pay, and back pay to achieve parity with Driving grades who were given enhanced Sunday and Rest Day Work payments in 2024. The company has an agreement with the Unions to treat all grades equally, which it was in breach of, both with Joint Stations Divisional Council and On Trains Divisional Council.
This dispute arose as the company appeared to be dragging their feet over obtaining a Department for Transport mandate to negotiate and JSDC ran out of patience.
Station staff have been treated as poor relations to other grades for far too long.
GWR▸ obtained a mandate in January and talks commenced; but the company brought forward plans similar to their Workplace Reform proposals which they wished to negotiate alongside the dispute issue. This included, under the banner of a '7 Day Railway', proposals that would mean significant changes to every member's Terms & Conditions, and see Sundays brought into the working week. There has been no mention of any significant compensation for our members in exchange for these huge concessions.
JSDC insisted that the company settle the outstanding dispute before any further negotiations took place, and the company returned to the DfT» for a mandate to do so. They returned with an offer which failed to even address the back pay issue, and only offered Safety Critical staff a Sunday enhancement, leaving Ticket Office staff, non-safety critical platform staff, TSSO staff, and Gateline staff offered nothing at all for Sunday working, and all Station Grades offered no enhancements for RDWK at all.
This in no way offered parity with the Driver's deal; it was a derisory offer that denigrates the vital work Station staff do, and was completely unacceptable to your Staff side representatives; we were unanimous in this. JSDC turned down the offer and the talks collapsed. We have expressed our willingness to talk to the company, but until the material dispute is settled, this is not possible.
It now appears that the company intends to press ahead with its desired reforms to current working practices without agreement from your representatives, and without first settling the current dispute.
JSDC remains open to continuing discussions with the company to find a way forward but we will not be bullied into accepting a settlement that does not respect the efforts our members make on behalf of the company, day in day out, in all weathers, on the frontline, delivering the best service we can.
« Reply #8 on: Today at 12:49:43 » |
So who is doing the bullying?  Well, ‘management’ of course. Who else?!  We can now expect the RMT▸ to get even more militant under Dempsey’s watch. And it might be a long watch as he’s still quite a young man. Not good news for the industry as a whole IMHO▸ . Though he is right about station staff being treated as a poor relation compared to other grades.
To view my GWML▸ Electrification cab video 'before and after' video comparison, as well as other videos of the new layout at Reading and 'before and after' comparisons of the Cotswold Line Redoubling scheme, see: http://www.dailymotion.com/user/IndustryInsider/
« Reply #9 on: Today at 15:22:36 » |
So who is doing the bullying?  We can now expect the RMT▸ to get even more militant under Dempsey’s watch. And it might be a long watch as he’s still quite a young man. ........with some pretty unsavoury associates to call on if people get out of line too! (I believe the gentleman in the picture with Bruvver Dempsey is dead, however I'm sure Vlad has plenty more where he came from to assist!)