Due to a fault with the signalling system between Taunton and Castle Cary trains have to run at reduced speed on the line towards Reading. Disruption is expected until 15:00 10/03.
Train services between Taunton and Reading via Castle Cary and Westbury may be delayed.
Customer Advice
We apologise for the disruption to your journey today.
Network Rail advises that there is a fault with a track circuit on the line between Taunton and Castle Cary.
Track circuits are used to locate trains on the railway. When these fail, the train driver's are required to stop and speak to the signaller before proceeding past the local signal. This incident has affected two signals, thus causing delays of 30-40 minutes. West of England services may be terminated at Reading and started back from there. PLease check your journey.
Network Rail has colleagues on site to try and fix the faulty circuit.
Last Updated:10/03/2025 13:30