Latest email update
Welcome to the Charfield Station newsletter
Dear stakeholder, Further to our last newsletter, please find below the latest updates about the Charfield Station project.
Project updates
Overnight works to remove trackside vegetation have now been completed. We will be back on-site to clear land next week (from Monday 10 March), however the further vegetation removal will take place during the day. Thank you for your understanding.
In other news, we have refreshed the Give Way road markings and edge lines at the subway between Little Bristol Lane and Station Road. In addition, we will be installing ‘pedestrian in road’ signs at the subway during March.
Also during March, we will be installing double yellow lines in lieu of the previous school keep clear markings on Manor Lane at the junction with Wotton Road. These changes are taking place in response to feedback from residents.
Throughout this month, you will see increased activity at the location of the proposed Southern Car Park. Temporary fencing has been installed to mark the new land ownership boundary (please note that the fencing does not relate to the size of the car park, which is smaller).
Tree felling and planned power outage
On Monday 10 March, we will be commencing tree felling and vegetation removal along the length of Station Road. A qualified ecologist will be undertaking a check of the trees and vegetation before and during removal to make sure no nesting birds or other wildlife is present. This work will involve felling trees that are in the proximity of overhead power lines. To ensure the safety of our team and the public, National Grid have scheduled a planned power outage for Saturday 22 March. This is likely to be a full day outage and will affect a small number of properties. National Grid will write to you soon if your property is going to be affected. We are fully aware of the potential disruption that this will cause and sincerely apologise in advance for any inconvenience.
Scaffolding at the former station booking hall
We previously told you that we were putting in place protective scaffolding around the former station booking hall. This is for the protection of the railway during the work in the area. For the safety of our staff and other railway users, some of this work must be carried out overnight when trains are not running. We will therefore be working on the night of Saturday 15th March to commence the scaffold erection and there will be subsequent daytime works during weekdays to complete it.
Planning updates
We will continue to submit documentation to the Local Planning Authority for discharging further planning conditions during 2025.
We are also applying to the Local Planning Authority to make minor amendments to the scheme that have arisen during the detailed design stage. These include fencing, landscaping, pedestrian access, road crossings and platform infrastructure. These documents can be viewed on the planning applications website (search for P24/01637/RVC) and we will provide further updates in our next newsletter update.