Just over two weeks ago, the Coffee Shop moved from http: to https: and with a new page at the top of the domain. And at that time, the main thing for that front page waste say - to regular members - was,
yes, this is the Coffee Shop and provide navigation.
The purpose of the page changes ... rather than the short term re-assurance that it IS the Coffee Shop, we can take up the "real estate" of the big headline with:
* A welcome to newcomers including data on how to reach us
* Status data on the Coffee Shop's recent operation
which is more useful in the longer term and with the changing need of that page.
The page still - and will continue - to carry the main navigation icons and links to the resources on the Coffee Shop which are either to the right on a laptop, or below on a narrow device such as a phone.
Description here - if it's useful to you - on the status line which flags (from latest first) the most recent activity. At this stage, a link on a single letter (occasionally symbol) indicates a public post which is the most recent addition to a thread, the letter or symbol differing from board to board.
Here are some of the status letters
@ - Who's Who
B - Fares Fair
C - Buses and other ways
[ - Help and assistance
It's just one line on the report - very useful to me. If you don't like it, please ignore.