Made a return visit to the Cholsey & Wallingford today.
The railway made great strides in its early days to get the level crossing over the newly constructed Wallingford bypass and reach the bay platform at Cholsey next to the mainline. However I sense progress has, almost inevitably, slowed in recent years. The station was much as I remembered it from my last visit however there are plans to bring the old canopy from Maidenhead Station to Wallingford in the next year. Also some more land has been purchased which may be sufficient to add another siding and relieve some of the congestion in the station area. So there is renewed hope for the future.

(not really quite sure what the tractor is doing there....)
The mainstays on the line are 08 diesel shunters. Two, Lion and Unicorn from the Guinness brewery at Park Royal and one which came straight from
BR▸ (08123) named George Mason after a benefactor from the Cholsey & Wallingford's earliest days.

The journey takes 15 minutes mostly past fields plus a view of Cholsey Church where Agatha Christie is buried

As mentioned on another thread ( through tickets are available from the national network

If you have a whole day there is the scope to combine a visit to the C&W with the nearby Didcot Railway Centre and the Pendon model museum.