Moved to the lighter side
You have to put up your own deposit I think....
Yes, £500, but you only have to get 5% (or more) of the votes cast to get it back
... and I'll have to work out how many weeks pension that it. Imagine the power of an election address to every address in the constituency coverage such loony idea which actually could work!
Here are 25 Loony policies - some are real, some are modified from real loony policies, and some are made up. Some might actually have a seed of sanity in them, especially some of the transport ones. Can you identify which are which?
Any possible schemes thought up by Government, Council , NHS etc, such as closure of Hosptitals, workplace parking levy etc will be preceded with a Public Consultation which will then be ignored
Buses and trains to stop at the same places as each other, be on the same journey tracker and planner, and call at times that connect with each other
Councils will be merged so that whole towns and urban areas will have a consistemt and cost effective planned governance for the neighbourhood
Delay repay will be slashed by making trains more reliable and tickets cheaper so there is less to give back
England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland will each join the
EU» as full members to give us more influence than we had before
Flat fare of £1 for all public transport journeys within
UK▸ . Car parking to cost £1 an hour over half a mile for the vehicle's registered address
Greyhound racing will be banned to prevent the country going to the dogs
His majesty to review his government's performance against its manifesto promises each year
Innocent prisoners will be released in order to reduce prison overcrowding
Junior Ministers must spend at least one day a week in schools to explain their policies and what they'll acheieve to the younger generation
King's Cross St Pancras is to be renamed just St Pancras because the word "Cross " in the name reminds people they are unhappy when their train is delayed
Liquid fossil fuels for private vehicles shall be no cheaper than milk, volume for volume.
MPs▸ to be elected in a fifth of the constituences every year to ensure a continuity of government, on a single MP transferrable vote system.
No-one will go hungry in the winter as brussel sprouts will be supplied to those who are desparate for anything to eat
OAPS will qualify for a Summer Ice Lolly Allowance if temperatures exceed 70 degrees
Promonande concerts will be broadcast in the open air to encourage them to bring culture free to cities and towns across the UK
Queensway will have the same number of buses running up and down it rather than all daytime buses going one way
Rwanda will be allowed to send people it doesn't want to the UK so they can be settled here and be made useful members of society
Stamp duty will be cancelled as stamps are expensive enough without having to pay duty
To protect pets and people of a nervous disposition we would introduce silent fireworks
Unruly teenagers will be superglued together as if you can’t beat them, join them
Voting weighting in elections will be based on voters age so life expectancy. The youth will get more say because they have more to loose if we get it wrong.
Wind turbines to be allowed in all counties
Younger drivers under the age of 50 when travelling with spare sets must offer those seats to older people with
DBS» certificates. This will help reduce the number of cars on the road an save more roadbuilding.
Zero hour contracts may continue, but must offer at least 8 hours of work at minimum wage in each week.