If you follow the link to Amazon's source text (and why wouldn't you do that before posting?) it actually says 20% to 80% charge in just over an hour. So I didn't remember that quite right - a full charge (which would hardly ever happen) would take well over two hours, as above 80% the charge rate has to be progressively reduced.
Amazon also mention 360 kW chargers, which at 400V 3 phase implies well over 500A. That's above the normal range per cable (e.g. for final distribution circuits feeding multiple houses), so a feed at 11 kV would seem appropriate - and necessary for more than one charger on a site. I'd expect an Amazon warehouse or a logistics depot to have one of those already.
Mercedes-Bend Truck, however, say they have 50, 200, and 400 kW chargers. They have been promoting megawatt chargers (MCS) but those are not quite here yet. The specification of the vehicle itself is for LFP (lithium iron phosphate) batteries of 621 kWh total capacity, 600 kWh usable. The maximum charge rate of 400 kW is set by the connector and cable; 1 MW will be possible with MCS. The drive is rated at 400 kW continuous 600 kW peak.
And looking at what DNOs▸ say they can do, it appears that the limit of 400 V supplies is nominally 276 kW. That's 400 A per phase, which is the most a single final circuit from a substation is expected to provide. So for that power, you need a whole new circuit per charger. Higher rated chargers will need to be fed at 11 kV, in which case the limit will have more to do with the handling of peak load levels, local network capacity, etc.
Or use the same system as the
GWR▸ trial at West Ealing where shoreside battery bank is trickle charged from a standard 400V 3ph supply and the 400 to 800V dc is in effect dumped from the shoreside batteries
At 11kV the the normal DNO transformers are 315kVA, 500kVA exceptionally 800kVA larger 1 or 2MVA are possible however the 11kV network needs substantial reinforcement