Not knowing the geography in detail, the following might be relevant:
Flood warning for Somerset coast at Portishead and Portbury Dock, seafront properties and Portbury Dock areas
Updated 2:49pm on 12 February 2024
This flood warning has been issued for the high tide on Tuesday morning. The forecast high water is at 9:45 AM on 13/02/2024 with a level of 7.94 mAODN with south easterly force 4 winds. Please note all tide times are in local time and refer to the high-water time at Avonmouth.
Areas most at risk include the coastline between Portishead Point and Avonmouth including Portishead Ashlands Nature Reserve and the Royal Portbury Dock. The flooding of property may occur one or two hours before and after the high tide time. Start acting on your flood plan if you have one and consider activating any property flood protection products you have.
This flood warning is not expected to be re-issued during this spring high-tide period. Drier weather is forecast for Monday but some showers again on Tuesday.
Our incident response staff are closing flood gates and checking defences. Please be careful along beaches, promenades, coastal footpaths and roads as large waves and sea spray could be dangerous.
This message will be updated by 2:00 PM on 13/02/2024, or as the situation changes.
Flood warning area: Coastline between Portishead Point and Avonmouth including Portishead Ashlands Nature Reserve and the Royal Portbury Dock.