For us Antibes was a useful changing point to get from Toulon to Nice Airport without having to go into central Nice (alight at Nice Saint-Augustin for the free tram or a 10 minute walk).
Before the tramway was built, St Augustin was not officially seen as serving the airport. So when I landed there (2009) just after a massive rainstorm I wanted to take the bus there rather than improvising a walking route in the rain. That wasn't running, so ended up on a bus into Nice. Probably as well, as I'd have been waiting on a small station for a train, rather than sitting in the same train waiting for the line to reopen so it could set off for Cannes.
The centre of Toulon is largely very pleasant but the suburbs seem to be a mass of seriously unattractive moderately high-rise public housing blocks.
That sounds like an improvement since the one time I was in Toulon. That was in 1999, before the Tunnel de Toulon was built. So the A57 coming in fro the east, and the A50 from the west, were genuine autoroutes to just on the edge of the city centre and then ... just the city itself. I don't remember much a short visit from over 20 years ago, but the Boulevard de Strasbourg trying to serve as a autoroute did leave a mark. The Tunnel was opened half in 2002 and half in 2014, to general rejoicing.