In May (2023), Melksham regained a late evening train and for the first time in many years we have an all day all week service. But changes at the same time on other lines have left passenger headed to Bath and Bristol with some long waits or risky unofficial fast connections at Trwbridge and Westbury. I have a timetable "tweaking" meeting with
GWR▸ on Tuesday looking ahead at changes that are coming up, with suggestions for the next year.
By moving some trains by just a very few minutes, connections can be added and made robust - and reduce an average journey time to Bristol from 67 to 49 minutes, and the journey home from 62 to 48 minutes. However, I'm aware that in some cirumstances those very few minutes could make a difference to another journey - please take a look and let me know of any issues or other things to raise with GWR - see